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Collection & Recycling Arrangements for Revvity Customers in Poland

Collection & Recycling Arrangements for Revvity Customers in Poland

WEEE were adopted February 2015 and July 2015. The draft was adopted on 5 October 2015 and entered into force from January 2016.

The draft made the following provisions:

A two-tiered definition of ‘introducer’ and producer of EEE was introduced. The ‘introducer’ must be based in Poland, bears responsibility for all obligations and must contract a WEEE treatment facility, while the ‘producer’ may be based outside Poland and may or must - in the case of direct sales to Polish end-users - comply through an AR who assumes the ‘introducer’ obligations.

Foreign entities selling directly to end-users (B2B and B2C) are already required, under the Waste Act, to register through an AR or a compliance organisation;

There are no new specific requirements as regards B2B WEEE. However, the new obligation for producers (and compliance schemes) to contract a recycler directly may add complexity to individual compliance for B2B EEE.

The WEEE Open Scope in Poland has now been implemented as of 1 January 2018.

Producers and compliance schemes are required to register with the ‘Product, Packaging and Waste Management Database’ - BDO available at:

Compliance scheme Electro-System can provide a service to co-ordinate disposal in Poland.