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Microphysiological System Solutions

Enhance the relevance of your research

Drug discovery endeavors require a deep understanding of biological systems and their response to potential therapeutics. That’s where microphysiological systems (MPS) play a pivotal role. They offer a more accurate representation of cellular biology that goes beyond traditional approaches, enabling researchers to understand disease mechanisms and find new treatments that translate into clinical response.

If you are working on your next 3D cell model project, and trying to select the right culture method, genetically modify your cells, automate your workflow, or analyze your samples and data, at Revvity we have microphysiological system solutions to partner with you with the purpose of reaching your goals. Together, we can redefine what’s possible by developing innovative treatments and precise therapeutic solutions to improve human health and lives around the world.

Animal modelsStem cell and iPSC-derived disease modelsOrgan-on-chipBioprinted modelsSpheroids and organoids
Physiological model solutions benefits interactive imageThis SVG depicts various shapes and models related to spheroids and organoids in biological studies, including representations of animal models and stem cell-derived disease models.Animal modelsStem cell and iPSC-derived disease modelsOrgan-on-chipBioprinted modelsSpheroids and organoids

For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Microphysiological System Solutions

When it comes to developing advanced physiological models — it’s critical to select the cell model with the right genomic context and biological function to recapitulate a healthy or diseased phenotype.

Achieving this level of accuracy requires tightly controlled culture conditions and reliable cell counting for cell seeding. Choosing a 2D or 3D cell culture method depends on the biological question, complexity of the desired model, and readout technology. Cells can be grown as monolayers, single spheroids in ultra-low attachment (ULA) plates, or cultured in hydrogels, offering a variety of options to enhance your research capabilities. Count on us to expertly scale up these methods, utilizing liquid handling techniques.

Featured products:
growdex hydrogels
GrowDex Hydrogels
We offer a range of products for scalable animal-free 3D cell culture applications, providing convenience and consistent results.
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Fontus Liquid Handling Workstation-Revvity-512x288
Fontus Workstations
With easy-to-use software, optimized deck access, verified protocols, and reformatting capabilities to simplify your workflows and improve turnaround times
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Cell Counting & Image Cytometry Instruments
Revvity offers a leading portfolio of automated cell counters, image cytometry systems, and cell counting reagents and consumables. Together, they provide fast, accurate and efficient ways to assess cell health and viability...
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Viral Vector Products
Viral vectors are the most efficient vehicles for gene delivery into a specific cell type or tissue for a wide array of research purposes.
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Recombinant Proteins
Our portfolio includes over 2,000 bioactive human, mouse, and rat recombinant proteins developed in-house.
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crispr technologies
CRISPR Technologies
CRISPR-Cas9 genome engineering technologies hold great promise for understanding diseases and for the development of life saving treatments.
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In modern drug discovery, multiple screening methods play a vital role in identifying potential drug targets and eventual drug candidates. Traditionally, small molecule libraries were screened for compounds acting on a known molecule or for a desired biological effect. However, a drug candidate is only as good as its target.

To ensure the utmost precision, today’s drug discovery leverages gene editing or gene silencing methods such as CRISPR or siRNAs to identify suitable drug targets. Understanding the causal gene behind a phenotype or genes that contribute to a phenotype can significantly boost the confidence in a new drug candidate. Get ready to experience advancements in your research as we deliver convenience and efficiency.

Featured products:
Fontus Liquid Handling Workstation-Revvity-512x288
Fontus Workstations
With easy-to-use software, optimized deck access, verified protocols, and reformatting capabilities to simplify your workflows and improve turnaround times
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crispr technologies
CRISPR Technologies
CRISPR-Cas9 genome engineering technologies hold great promise for understanding diseases and for the development of life saving treatments.
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rna interference
RNA Interference
Dharmacon™ siRNA, shRNA, and microRNA-based reagents, leading the field for nearly 30 years providing highly specific and efficient gene silencing.
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Model Analysis

Selecting the right method for measuring the biological response of 3D cell models depends on the specific research question and the characteristics of the model system in use.

Whether you’re repeatedly monitoring microtissue size or measuring sensitive detection of secreted proteins, each readout type poses unique challenges that can be overcome with the right tools. Our microplate readers, high-content analysis systems, and innovative reagents are complemented by specially designed microplates. Together, they shine a light on your samples, offering powerful insights to propel your research forward.

Featured products:
LabChip GX Touch Nucleic Acid Analyzer
LabChip GX Touch 核酸分析装置
DNA、RNA、NGSライブラリーの正確なサイジング、定量、品質管理 ​LabChip™ GX Touch™ 核酸分析装置は、ゲノムのサイジングと定量のための包括的なソリューションです。以下の利点があります: <ul> <li> アガロースゲルよりも数時間速いDNAおよびRNAサンプルの完全性の定量 </li> <li> cfDNA、PCRフリーライブラリー、ChIP-seqライブラリーなどの希少または低濃度サンプルを最大限に活用 </li> <li> DNAスメアでは25 pg/µL、フラグメントでは0.5 pg/µLまで正確に定量可能 </li> <li> NGSライブラリーの調製および品質管理 </li> <li> 柔軟なスループットオプションにより、 96ウェルまたは384ウェル(HT)フォーマットにおける高いコスト効率 </li> <li> データ可視化オプション(エレクトロフェログラム、バーチャルゲル、表形式レポート) </li> </ul> LabChip GX Touch核酸分析装置は、さまざまなDNAおよびRNA分析にも対応しており、最小限の試料投入量で他に類を見ないゲノムデータの品質を提供します。低濃度やサンプルが貴重な場合、信頼性の高い測定とサンプル保存には、LabChip™ DNA High SensおよびRNA Picoアッセイが最適です。ゲノム物質の完全な分析を約30秒で行うLabChip GX Touch核酸分析装置は、核酸定量のワークフローにおけるボトルネックを解消します。高解像度分析により、2 pg/µLという少量のサンプルから5 bpまでのDNAフラグメントおよびスメアを正確にサイズ決定と定量を行います。 このシステムは、最小限の試料投入量でで他に類を見ないゲノムデータの品質を提供するNGS 3Kアッセイなど、幅広いDNA解析オプションを提供しています。この高感度性により、低濃度でサンプルが貴重で、その保存が不可欠なgDNAおよびPCRフリーDNAの定量にも理想的な装置とです。 mRNAベースのワクチンにおける純度と完全性の分析 メルクの研究者は、LabChip® RNA アッセイを使用して、mRNA ワクチンの純度と完全性を評価するアッセイ法を開発しました。この迅速で簡便かつ効率的なワークフローは、ワクチン開発のスピードアップと、製造量の増加による需要の増加に対応するのに役立ちました。 このシステムは、最小限の試料投入量で他に類を見ないゲノムデータの品質を提供するNGS 3KアッセイやcfDNAアッセイなど、幅広いDNA解析オプションを提供しています。この高感度性により、低濃度で、サンプルが貴重で、その保存が不可欠なgDNA、cfDNA、PCRフリーDNAの定量にも理想的な装置となっています。 外形寸法 <ul> <li> 高さ69cm </li> <li> 幅 51 cm </li> <li> 奥行き 49 cm</li> </ul> <ul> </ul>
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3D Cell Model Imaging and Analysis
3D cell culture models, such as spheroids, organoids, and microtissues, have gained popularity as tools for research, drug discovery and toxicity studies.
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microplate readers
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Since their introduction in the 1950’s, immunoassays have been an integral part of research and drug discovery.

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Luminescence assay_512x288
Luminescence Assays
Luciferase assays allow for the study of transcriptional gene expression, virus life cycles, and cell viability.
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nucleic acid isolation
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Cell Counting & Image Cytometry Instruments
Revvity offers a leading portfolio of automated cell counters, image cytometry systems, and cell counting reagents and consumables. Together, they provide fast, accurate and efficient ways to assess cell health and viability...
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Multiomics and TotalSeq Reagents by BioLegend
Multiomics provides unparalleled protein and genetic analysis. Explore how our TotalSeq™ reagents can be integrated into your existing workflows and expand your capabilities.
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Data Analysis

Extracting insights from complex 3D datasets is no easy task. It requires the meticulous analysis of readouts and vast amounts of information (in context). But no worries—we’ve got you covered.

With our scientific software and informatics solutions, you gain the ultimate tools to optimize 3D cell model imaging. Seamlessly aggregate, search, mine, and visualize critical data, converting it into actionable insights that drive your research forward. We are here to help you meet the challenges of data analysis head on—so you can embark on a journey of ground-breaking discoveries.

Featured products:
Signals Image Artist

Signals Image Artist has powerful capabilities for processing, analyzing, storing, and sharing all your high-content screening and cell imaging data – so you can significantly cut your time to results.

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signals Research Suite
Signals Research Suite

Make your innovations a reality with the first unified, cloud-native SaaS R&D platform that streamlines scientific complexity and promotes collaboration.

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Discover how our complex cell model screening services can accelerate your drug discovery and development goals. Our team leverage Revvity’s advanced imaging technologies and an extensive library of spheroids and primary immune cells to provide more biologically relevant data. This allows for better prediction of human responses to therapeutic interventions in immuno-oncology.

From assay design to high-throughput screening, we provide an end-to-end service that supports every phase of your drug development, with dedicated project management you can trust.

Featured services:
Advanced 3D cell culture models services

Our complex cell model screening services leverage Revvity’s advanced imaging technologies and an extensive library of spheroids and primary immune cells, providing more biologically relevant data.

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