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Cell Counting and Image Cytometry

Invasion into Matrigel

Celigo Applications
Celigo Applications
Cell Counting Method Selection
Cell Counting and Image Cytometry FAQs
Cell-based Assays for Bioprocessing
Cell-based Assays for Gene Therapy Development
Cellometer Applications
Modern Virology Assays
Sub Section
Migration and Invasion Assays
3D Cell Models
Assays for Virology Research
Brightfield Applications
Celigo Cell Counting Applications
Celigo Fluorescent Assays
Celigo Image Cytometer Direct Cell Counting Assays for Immunotherapy
Cell Line Development
Migration and Invasion Assays
iPSC Reprogramming
Invasion into Matrigel
Invasion into Matrigel
Transwell Migration
Wound Healing

Measure the cell invasion from a spheroid into Matrigel®

  1. Directly image tumor spheroids in various microwell formats
  2. Non-invasive brightfield imaging allows the user to image the same plate over multiple days
  3. Perform a two-color fluorescent viability assay


The Celigo™ image cytometer has been developed to fully automate live cell analysis of tumorspheres. This automated morphometric analysis tool significantly reduces the time and effort needed to quantify key aspects of 3D spheres including size, growth, growth tracking over time and response to chemotherapeutics.

Reduced cell invasion from a U-87 MG 3D spheroid into Matrigel® in the presence of 17-AAG

Invasion into matrigel setup

Experimental setup

  • Day 0-4: form spheroids
  • Day 4: add Matrigel® to provide a semi-solid gel-like matrix
  • Day 4-7: use The Celigo™ image cytometer to determine the area occupied by individual cells or cell clusters
Invasion into matrigel

Brightfield spheroid images

Invasion into matrigel data

U-87 MG + 17-AAG

Measure cell invasion from 3D spheroid into Matrigel®


Brightfield spheroid

Brightfield spheroid

Brightfield identified spheroid

Brightfield identified spheroid

Percent confluence well view

Percent confluence and represented fill view as seen in the Celigo™ software

Measure cell invasion from 3D spheroid into Matrigel®

48 hr after the addition of Matrigel®

Post matrigel bright field spheroid

Brightfield spheroid

Post matrigel bright field identified spheroid

Brightfield identified spheroid

Percent confluence and represented fill view

Percent confluence and represented fill view as seen in the Celigo™  software

For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.