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Cell Counting and Image Cytometry

Expression Analysis

Cellometer Applications
Celigo Applications
Cell Counting Method Selection
Cell Counting and Image Cytometry FAQs
Cell-based Assays for Bioprocessing
Cell-based Assays for Gene Therapy Development
Cellometer Applications
Modern Virology Assays
Sub Section
Fluorescent Assays
Automated Analysis of Primary Cells
Brightfield Cell Analysis
Cell Analysis for Breweries and Biofuels
Cell Concentration and Viability for Blood-based Samples
Cell Counting with a Hemocytometer
Cell Viability for Clean and Messy Samples
Fluorescent Assays
Immuno-oncology Research Using Cellometer Instruments
Miscellaneous Cell Types
Expression Analysis
Autophagy Detection
Cell Cycle Analysis
Expression Analysis
Surface Marker and Intracellular Protein Detection

Introduction to GFP

Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) is a 26.9 kDa protein first identified in crystal jellyfish, Aequorea victoria. It was discovered that when exposed to blue or ultraviolet light the protein fluoresces green. After GFP was first expressed in E. coli in 1994 it was soon confirmed that GFP can also be successfully expressed in other organisms as well. Since then, not only have many fluorescent proteins of different colors been generated, but their function is enhanced to provide a faster and stronger fluorescent signal.

GFP applications

  • GFP is often used as a reporter of gene or protein expression. By detecting GFP expression it is possible to quantify the transfection/transduction efficiency.
  • By staining the cells with propidium iodide the viability of the culture during GFP expression can be monitored.
  • In cultures that are co-transduced with GFP and RFP, the fluorescent Cellometer instruments have the capability to capture, analyze, and report the population of GFP positive, RFP positive, or dual positive.

Acquiring GFP expression efficiency

With the Cellometer Vision CBA*, 20 µl of sample is added to the Cellometer counting chamber. Imaging and analysis of GFP expression is completed in less than 60 seconds. Brightfield and fluorescent cell images can be viewed to check cell morphology and verify cell counting. Total cell count, concentration, and mean diameter are automatically displayed.

Quantifying GFP expression efficiency in 4 easy steps


1. Pipette 20 µl of sample into a disposable slide.

insert slide vision

2. Insert slide into the instrument

GFP select assay

3. Select assay from a drop down menu

GFP show results

4. Click count, acquire image and view cell count, concentration, diameter and percent of GFP positive cells

* The Cellometer Vision CBA has been superseded by the Cellometer Spectrum.

GFP expression in 293T cells

Automatically measure the number and percent of GFP positive cells in the population.

Brightfield and Fluorescent 293T Cell Images

Brightfield and fluorescent 293T cell images

Count Concentration Mean diameter
BR1: 1058 1.52×106 cells/mL 15.2 micron
GFP: 594 8.56×105 cells/mL 16.8 micron
GFP Positive 56.4%

RFP expression in RWPE-1 cells

Automatically measure the number and percent of RFP positive cells in the population.

Brightfield and Fluorescent RWPE-1 Cell Images

Brightfield and fluorescent RWPE-1 cell images

Count Concentration Mean diameter
BR1: 1216 1.77×106 cells/mL 19.6 micron
RFP: 596 8.70×105 cells/mL 21.2 micron
RFP Positive 49.2%

GFP expression and propidium iodide viability in mouse embryonic stem cells

Monitor cell health by adding PI to the GFP expression assay. The number and percent of the dead, PI positive cells, are shown along with the GFP expression readout. 

Brightfield and Fluorescent cell images of mouse embryonic stem cells

Brightfield and Fluorescent Cell Images of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells
Count Concentration Mean diameter Ratios
GFP: 452 cells 1.29×106 cells/mL 12.2 microns GFP Positive: 17.7%
PI Positive: 46.7%
Dual Positive: 0.1%
PI: 1203 cells 3.39×106 cells/mL 9.4 microns
BR Total Cell: 2570 cells 7.26×106 cells/mL 10.0 microns


Co-expression of GFP/RFP in T-cells

Image and analyze double positive GFP/RPF cell populations. The Cellometer Vision CBA* automatically reports each population as well as number and percent of dual positive cells.

Brightfield and fluorescent T-cell images

Brightfield and Fluorescent T-Cell Images
Count Concentration Mean diameter Ratios
GFP: 368 cells 5.20×10^5 cells/mL 10.3 microns GFP Positive: 38.4%
RFP Positive: 69.5%
Dual Positive: 38.2%
RFP: 667 cells 9.42×10^5 cells/mL 10.1 microns
BR Total Cell: 962 cells 1.36×10^6 cells/mL 9.0 microns

* The Cellometer Vision CBA has been superseded by the Cellometer Spectrum.

Detecting cells expressing weak GFP signal

Cellometer-captured data can be exported and analysed in the flow cytometry software FCS Express. By plotting the mean fluorescent intensity of the GFP signal we can determine the percent of GFP positive cells in the primary bone marrow sample.

Quantify GFP expression using FCS Express Software

Quantify GFP expression using FCS express software

Bright Field Counted Image

Bright field counted image

Fluorescence Image

Fluorescence image

Other fluorescent proteins

For Cellometer Vision CBA, customizable fluorescent optics modules are available for specific fluorescent proteins.

Other Fluorescent Proteins

Fluorescent optics modules for the detection of fluorescent proteins

Optics Module Fluorophores Nucleic acid stains Fluorescent proteins and other fluorescent cell reagents
Ex: 370 nm (BW: 36 nm)
Em: 452 nm (BW: 45 nm)
Pacific Blue
Hoechst 33342
ViaStain™ Dead Cell
Nuclear Blue
Calcein AM Violet
CTV (CellTrace Violet)
Tracer Blue
Ex: 470 nm (BW: 42 nm)
Em: 534 nm (BW: 42 nm)
AlexaFluor® 488
AO (acridine orange)
Calcein AM
Ex: 475 nm (BW: 42 nm)
Em: 594 nm (LP – Long Pass)
    Chlorophyll A
Chlorophyll B
Ex: 525 nm (BW: 45 nm)
Em: 605 nm (BW: 64 nm)
AlexaFluor® 546
AlexaFluor® 555
PE (R-phycoerythrin)
PI (propidium iodide)
EB (ethidium bromide)
SYTOX® Orange
Ex: 525 nm (BW: 45 nm)
Em: 655 nm (BW: 40 nm)
  PI (propidium iodide)
EB (ethidium bromide)
Nile Red
Ex: 628 nm (BW: 40 nm)
Em: 692 nm (BW: 40 nm)
AlexaFluor® 647
APC (allophycocyanin)
SYTOX® Red iRFP670
CellTrace Far Red
Cell Tracker Deep Red
LysoTracker Deep Red
*This table is a partial list of compatible fluorophores, nucleic acid stains, and fluorescent proteins. Please contact Revvity technical support regarding compatibility of other reagents.
Sytox, AlexaFluor, and Cy are trademarks of Life Technologies.


GFP expression in various mammalian cells

Shown here are several examples of GFP-expressing cell lines. A brightfield and a GFP image was collected for each cell type. 

Brightfield and fluorescent COS-7 cell images

Bright Field and Fluorescent COS-7 Cell Images

Brightfield and fluorescent COS-7 cell images

Bright Field and Fluorescent COS-7 Cell Images

Brightfield and fluorescent HeLa cell images

Brightfield and Fluorescent HeLa Cell Images

Brightfield and fluorescent HeLa cell images

Brightfield and Fluorescent HeLa Cell Images

Brightfield and fluorescent H1299 cell images

Brightfield and Fluorescent H1299 Cell Images

Brightfield and fluorescent H1299 cell images

Brightfield and Fluorescent H1299 Cell Images

GFP expression in yeast (measured by vision 10X)

GFP expression in yeast


Cellometer image cytometry may be effectively utilized to determine GFP or other fluorescent protein transduction/transfection efficiency. Furthermore, it may be used to study GFP-expressing mammalian cell lines and GFP-expressing yeast cells. This robust instrument platform along with separate software-solutions allows researchers to detect strong and weak fluorescent signals.

Publications using a cellometer for GFP detection

  1. Ho YK, Zhi HJ, DeBiaso D, Philip S, Shih HM, Giam CZ. (2012) HTLV-1 Tax-Induced Rapid Senescence Is Driven by the Transcriptional Activity of NF-kappa B and Depends on Chronically Activated IKK alpha and p65/RelA.  Journal of Virology 86(17): 9474-9483
  2. Glazer ES, Zhu CH, Massey KL, Thompson CS, Kaluarachchi WD, Hamir AN, Curley SA. (2010) Noninvasive Radiofrequency Field Destruction of Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma Xenografts Treated with Targeted Gold Nanoparticles. Clinical Cancer Research 16(23): 5712-5721
  3. Chetram MA, Odero-Marah V, Hinton CV.  (2011) Loss of PTEN Permits CXCR4-Mediated Tumorigenesis through ERK1/2 in Prostate Cancer Cells. Molecular Cancer Research 9(1): 90-102
  4. Miller D, Reynolds GE, Mejia R, Stark JM, Murnane JP. (2011) Subtelomeric regions in mammalian cells are deficient in DNA double-strand break repair. DNA Repair 10(5): 536-544
  5. Kainov DE, Muller KH, Theisen LL, Anastasina M, Kaloinen M, Muller CP.  (2011) Differential Effects of NS1 Proteins of Human Pandemic H1N1/2009, Avian Highly Pathogenic H5N1, and Low Pathogenic H5N2 Influenza A Viruses on Cellular Pre-mRNA Polyadenylation and mRNA Translation. Journal of Biological Chemistry 286(9): 7239-7247

For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.