Monitoring spread of viral infection directly in multi-well microplates
- Whole well imaging allows for tracking of viral infections in large cell populations
- Perform in-plate infections, staining and imaging with no need for trypsinization
- Calculate percent of virally infected cells by preforming a direct cell count
- Improve throughput, scan and analyze a 96-well plate in <15 minutes
Introduction to viral infection
Typically, viral infections are visualized and imaged using a conventional or semi-automated fluorescent microscope platform. Because data quantification (counting the number of virally infected cells) is often performed manually the number of fields showing infected cells is often low and takes a considerable amount of time to analyze. The Celigo™ image cytometer provides a fast imaging and quantification solution for live cell analysis of viral infection. The entire 96 well plate is scanned, individual virally infected cells are detected, and the total number of infected cells is automatically quantified in a total of 15 minutes or less.
- Grow cell of interest in a plate
- Infect cells with virus
- Incubate for a predetermined period of time
- Prepare for imaging by fixing the cells and staining with anti-virus primary and secondary antibodies. If the viral particles have an incorporated fluorescent protein reporter like GFP proceed directly to imaging
- Scan and analyze an entire 96-well plate using whole well imaging in under 15 minutes
- Export data to excel
- Export high-definition images into JPEGs, TIFF or Bitmap
Perform in-plate live cell tracking, imaging and data analysis for viral infections
Live cell tracking of A549 cells infected with RSV (Respiratory syncytial virus) in 24-well plates
Live cell tracking of B2B cells infected with RSV (Respiratory syncytial virus) in 24-well plates
Percent of GFP positive cells
GFP Mean Intensity
Perform whole well imaging and analysis to quickly acquire viral infection data for the whole plate
Fluorescent whole well images of time-dependent viral infection spread
Fluorescent zoom in images of time-dependent viral infection spread
Live-cell Tracking of GFP Viral Infection
Monitor viral infection after fixation and immunostaining against viral proteins – image and collect
whole well data in minutes Whole-well images of influenza-infected epithelial cells
Brightfield and fluorescent images of infected cells
Percentage of Cells Stained with AF488
For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.