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Cell Counting and Image Cytometry

3D Confrontation Assays

Celigo Applications
Celigo Applications
Cell Counting Method Selection
Cell Counting and Image Cytometry FAQs
Cell-based Assays for Bioprocessing
Cell-based Assays for Gene Therapy Development
Cellometer Applications
Modern Virology Assays
Sub Section
3D Cell Models
3D Cell Models
Assays for Virology Research
Brightfield Applications
Celigo Cell Counting Applications
Celigo Fluorescent Assays
Celigo Image Cytometer Direct Cell Counting Assays for Immunotherapy
Cell Line Development
Migration and Invasion Assays
iPSC Reprogramming
3D Confrontation Assays
Embryoid Bodies and Patient-Derived Organoids
3D Confrontation Assays
Growth Inhibition
Measure Apoptosis
Measure Migration onto extracellular matrix
Quantify Invasion into Matrigel
Tumor Spheroid Viability
Tumorsphere Formation & Clonogenic Survival

Monitor and quantify the confrontation of 3D tumor spheroids

  1. Directly image fluorescently labeled and bright field multicellular tumor spheroids
  2. Quantify the percent confrontation between two 3D spheroids
  3. Image the same plate over time to monitor spheroid confrontation


The Celigo™ image cytometer has been developed to fully automate live cell analysis of multicellular tumor spheroids (MCTS). This automated morphometric analysis tool significantly reduces the time and effort needed to quantify key aspects of 3D spheres including size, growth, growth tracking over time, and response to chemotherapeutics.

Additionally, the Celigo software can determine the confluence ratio between two objects, providing an analysis measurement for researchers performing 3D confrontation assays.

growth inhibition celigo image cytometer

Monitoring the confrontation between a 3D astrocyte and a 3D multicellular tumor spheroid

3D confrontation assays 2

Experimental Setup

The Celigo time-lapse image capture of a 3D confrontation assay between an astrocyte and a multicellular tumor spheroid
  • The series of images below were taken over a 24 hour period to monitor confrontation between two 3D spheroids.
  • The images on the left are of a GFP-labeled 3D multicellular tumor spheroid and a brightfield image of a 3D astrocyte.
  • The images on the right display the identification of both the 3D spheroid and the astrocyte using the Celigo confluence ratio algorithm. The identified objects are outlined with a green pseudocolor for easy identification.

Imaging of a GFP-labeled 3D tumor spheroid and a 3D astrocyte over a 24 hour period

3D confrontation assays 3
3D confrontation assays 4
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Measured percent confluence ratio between a GPF-labeled 3D MCTS and a 3D astrocyte

3D confrontation assays 7
  • The confluence ratio application calculates the ratio of the GFP confluence area that is within the confluence area of the brightfield channel.
  • In this case, the GFP signal from the 3D multicellular tumor spheroid occupies about 60% of the total measured bright field area (tumor spheroid + astrocyte). Over a 24-hour period, as the two spheroids merge, the total brightfield area shrinks and the percent confluence ratio increases.

Imaging and monitoring the confrontation between a multicellular tumor spheroid and an embryoid body

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Similarly to the confrontation assay using a 3D astocyte, the Celigo was used to image the confrontation between a GFP-labeled MCTS and an EB over a 55-hour period.

For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.