This test analyzes genes associated with Marfan syndrome and thoracic aortic aneurysm and dissection (TAAD).
Test Code | D4110 |
Test Summary |
This test analyzes genes associated with Marfan syndrome and thoracic aortic aneurysm and dissection (TAAD). |
Turn Around Time | 2 - 3 weeks |
Acceptable Sample Types | DNA, Isolated , Dried Blood Spots , Saliva , Whole Blood (EDTA) |
Acceptable Billing Types | Institutional Billing , Self (patient) Payment |
NY Approved | No |
CPT Codes** | 81479(x1), 81443(x1) |
Self (patient) Price | $900.00 |
Institutional Price | $1,200.00 |
This gene sequencing panel includes both sequencing and deletion/duplication (CNV) analysis for all coding regions of the included genes (unless otherwise noted). All analysis is performed utilizing next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology. All variants are classified according to American College of Genetics and Genomics (ACMG) guidelines.
Marfan syndrome is a genetic connective tissue disorder that affects various systems in the body. Skeletal phenotypes in indiiduals with Marfan syndrome include tall stature, long limbs, joint hypermobility, and a disproportionately long and narrow face, high-arched palate, scoliosis, and a chest that may protrude or indent, known as pectus excavatum or pectus carinatum. Ocular Abnormalities include myopia, increased risk of retinal detachment, and ectopia lentis, which can cause blurry vision or other visual disturbances. The most serious complications of Marfan syndrome are cardiovascular and include aortic root dilation, dissection, or aortic rupture, mitral valve prolapse, aortic valve regurgitation, and cardiomegaly. Some individuals with Marfan syndrome may experience spontaneous pneumothorax or sleep apnea.
Thoracic aortic aneurysm and dissection (TAAD) encompasses two related but distinct pathological processes. Aortic aneurysm is a dilation or bulge in the arterial wall, which may be asymptomatic or, depending on the size and location, cause symptoms such as chest or back pain, shortness of breath, coughing, hoarseness, and difficulty swallowing. Aortic dissection is a tear or rupture in the inner layer of the aortic wall that allows blood to enter and separate the layers of the vessel. This can lead to the formation of a false lumen within the aorta, compromising blood flow and causing severe pain. Familial TAAD can be caused by an underlying syndromic genetic condition such as Marfan syndrome, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, or Loeys-Dietz syndrome.
Sequencing is performed on genomic DNA using an Agilent targeted sequence capture method to enrich for the exome. Direct sequencing of the amplified captured regions was performed using 2X150bp reads on Illumina next generation sequencing (NGS) systems. A base is considered to have sufficient coverage at 20X and an exon is considered fully covered if all coding bases plus three nucleotides of flanking sequence on either side are covered at 20X or more. A list of these regions, if any, is available upon request. Alignment to the human reference genome (GRCh37) is performed and annotated variants are identified in the targeted region. Variants reviewed have a minimum coverage of 8X and an alternate allele frequency of 20% or higher. Indel and single nucleotide variants (SNVs) may be confirmed by Sanger sequence analysis before reporting at director discretion. This assay cannot detect variants in regions of the exome that are not covered, such as deep intronic, promoter and enhancer regions, areas containing large numbers of tandem repeats, and variants in mitochondrial DNA. Copy number variation (CNV) analysis detects deletions and duplications; in some instances, due to the size of the exons, sequence complexity, or other factors, not all CNVs may be analyzed or may be difficult to detect. When reported, copy number variant size is approximate. Actual breakpoint locations may lie outside of the targeted regions. CNV analysis will not detect tandem repeats, balanced alterations (reciprocal translocations, Robertsonian translocations, inversions, and balanced insertions), methylation abnormalities, triploidy, and genomic imbalances in segmentally duplicated regions. This assay is not designed to detect mosaicism; possible cases of mosaicism may be investigated at the discretion of the laboratory director. Primary data analysis is performed using Illumina bcl2fastq converter v2.19. Secondary analysis is performed using Illumina DRAGEN Bio-IT Platform v.3.10.8. Tertiary data analysis is performed using SnpEff v5.0 and Revvity Omics’ internal ODIN v.1.01 software. CNV and absence of heterozygosity are assessed using BioDiscovery’s NxClinical v6.1 software.
Collection Container(s) |
Oragene™ Saliva Collection Kit or ORAcollect-Dx kit |
Collection |
Collect saliva on an Oragene™ Saliva Collection Kit ORAcollect-Dx kit according to the manufacturer's instructions. |
Sample Condition |
Store at ambient temperature. Do not refrigerate or freeze. |
Shipping |
Ship overnight at ambient temperature. |
Please contact Revvity Omics to request the saliva collection kit for patients who cannot provide a blood sample as whole blood is the preferred sample. Testing using Saliva swabs is currently not available for customers in India. Contact the Revvity Omics laboratory for more information. |
Collection Container(s) |
Dried blood spot card |
Collection |
Follow kit instructions. Briefly, allow blood to saturate the card until indicated areas are filled and blood has soaked through the card. Air dry the card at ambient temperature for at least 3 hours.
Sample Condition |
Follow the instructions provided with the collection set. Store the dried blood at ambient temperature for up to two days. If the specimen cannot be sent as soon as it is dry, the filter paper should be placed in a sealable plastic bag and stored in a refrigerator (≤ 8°C) or preferably in a freezer. |
Shipping |
Follow kit instructions. Double bag and ship overnight at ambient temperature. |
Collection |
Required DNA Quantity by Test Type*:
Sample Condition |
* Required DNA Quality: High molecular weight DNA (>12kb). A260/A280 reading should be ≥ 1.8. A260/230 a ratio range of 1.8 to 2.2. Contact the laboratory for specific amounts if total ng cannot be met. |
Shipping |
Ship overnight at ambient temperature. |
Collection Container(s) |
EDTA (purple top) |
Collection |
Infants (< 2-years): 2 to 3 mL; Children (>2-years): 3 to 5 mL; Older children and adults: Minimum 5mL. The blood tube should be inverted several times immediately after blood collection to prevent coagulation. |
Sample Condition |
Store at ambient temperature. Do not refrigerate or freeze. |
Shipping |
Ship overnight at ambient temperature ensuring receipt within 5-days of collection. |
Clotted or hemolyzed samples are not accepted. |
Select the correct test for your patient, and download and fill out the Clinical Genomics test requisition form.
Obtain a sample for testing from the patient using one of the provided Revvity Omics test packs.
Send samples and all required forms back to Revvity for processing using pre-paid shipping label.
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