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User’s guide: Alpha protein:protein interaction assays

Explore the world of biomolecular interactions using AlphaScreen™ and AlphaLISA™—bead-based assay technologies revolutionizing research in a microplate format. The “Alpha” acronym stands for Amplified Luminescent Proximity Homogeneous Assay, and here’s why it matters:

  • No-Wash Simplicity: Forget tedious washing steps. Alpha assays seamlessly detect protein binding without the hassle.
  • Energy Transfer Magic: When proteins or binding partners meet on the beads, energy leaps from one bead to another, culminating in a luminescent signal.
  • Dual Bead Types: Meet the stars of the show—Donor beads and Acceptor beads. Each harbors a proprietary chemical mix, essential for Alpha’s success.
  • Singlet Oxygen Dance: Donor beads wield a photosensitizer (phthalocyanine) that converts ambient oxygen into singlet oxygen upon 680 nm illumination. This fleeting molecule travels up to 200 nm in solution.
  • Proximity Matters: If an Acceptor bead is close enough, singlet oxygen dances with thioxene derivatives, sparking light at 520-620 nm (AlphaScreen) or 615 nm (AlphaLISA).
  • The Interaction Spotlight: Capture proteins on Donor and Acceptor beads, and watch their interaction unfold. Excite the Donor bead, and the signal reveals the magic of binding.

Dive into the fascinating world of Alpha assays—where proximity meets luminescence, and science ignites.

For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

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User’s guide: Alpha protein:protein interaction assays