The chemagic™ RNA Kit enable automated RNA isolation from blood or tissue samples, with capacities ranging from 2.5 ml blood to 10 mg tissue, using the chemagic 360 instrument equipped with the chemagic 24 or 96 Rod Head, or the chemagic Prime instrument equipped with the chemagic 24 Rod Head.
Feature | Specification |
Nucleic Acid Type | RNA |
The chemagic™ RNA Kit enable automated RNA isolation from blood or tissue samples, with capacities ranging from 2.5 ml blood to 10 mg tissue, using the chemagic 360 instrument equipped with the chemagic 24 or 96 Rod Head, or the chemagic Prime instrument equipped with the chemagic 24 Rod Head.
The chemagic Prime Total RNA 2.5K Kit H24 is the optimal choice for the isolation of RNA from up 2.5 ml blood or 10 mg tissue on the chemagic Prime instrument. The chemagic Prime instruments needs to be equipped with the chemagic 24 Rod Head to process 24-48 samples per run.
Application |
Nucleic Acid Isolation
Brand |
Nucleic Acid Type |
Research Areas |
Biomarker Development
Translational Research
Sample Type |
Sample Volume |
Up to 2.5 ml blood or 10 mg tissue
Technology |
M-PVA Magnetic Bead Technology
Throughput |
Unit Size |
240 preps/kit
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